
Nothing useful here, go away.

Who the hell is BoyWitty?

My name is Stephanie Suarez, a BA Communication and Media Studies graduate from the wonderful mountains of Miagao’s very own University of the Philippines-Visayas.

I started blogging in 2008, to help my classmates get clicks and pass their CMS 132 (Writing Views) class. Actually, I had blogging at the back of my mind since high school, but I was so damn lazy. Hahahaha.

I like writing but I never had dreams of being published. Weird, but I really don’t. I just like to write.

I hope you continue to read me. :]

Why Witi-Witi?

After long weeks of thinking about the best title for this blog, I thought of something unique and simple that would scare readers away. 🙂

“Witi-witi” is a Hiligaynon term which denotes the nonsensical, whims and what-you-can-live-without. Coincidentally, it is also a play on “wit” and “being witty”.

22 thoughts on “Who the hell is BoyWitty?

  1. boywitty,

    it’s a daunting task to live by the name you prefer to call yourself. meet the responsibility that comes with it. i wish you all the best. welcome to wordpress.

    when it comes to blogging, consistency is the name of the game. i hope you won’t tire.

  2. before you feel pressured, write something on this page first.


  3. now that’s a funny reason to start a blog.

  4. hay boywitty

    genderless ka da


  5. jett,

    quiet lang bala, hahahaha!
    nakasalalay ang friendship dito, WAHAHAHA! 🙂

  6. hope you can find your gender kasi mahirap ang magsulat kung wala kang gender..wahhahaa…joke lang.

    musta fellow ilonngo?

  7. maldito,

    hmm..indi man gid, hahahah! mayo ni gani, damo ko personality nga ma-assume, LOL.

    doing good, heheheh! ikaw? 😀

    thanks for dropping by, i appreciate it, belly much.:D

  8. I liked your “different” way of expressing yourself with your posts.. but you don’t seem to be regular on blogging.. got bored?

  9. Sometimes I get lazy. There are a lot of unposted articles and randomness in the Word document version of this blog but some never made it here. Hehehehe!

    Trust me, I never get bored. 🙂

  10. welcome to the working world. i hope you are enjoying it. just a piece of advice: do not let it (your job) force you into eating something that your gut cannot take…you can always spit it and say ‘i am done and over with this!’ good luck!

  11. Hoy boywitty….

    Paki change na ng Coffee Concepts please,..di ko na un gnagamit eh. Salamat! XD

  12. Hello! Salamat sa pag follow sa blog ko! Sana matuwa ka sa mga posts ko! 🙂

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