
Nothing useful here, go away.

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Magneto died even before the filming was done. The director, having arrived late on the set, did not witness much of the drama that happened 15 minutes earlier. The producer is in shock, the segment producer and scriptwriters were shuddering, huddled together in the corner. The cameramen and the mic operators were still in deep conversation about what happened.

Two hours after the police were done with the crew, the movie characters were next. “OK Wolverine, you’re done. Please put on some clothes. Next”.

The next person moved forward. She was twitching uncontrollably.

“Oh, I-I’m so sorry, Sir. I-I did n-not mean for it to happen. It was a Mystique.”

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My friends and I went on a Cebu-Bohol trip two months and a few weeks ago. We stayed in Bohol for three nights, and spent the fourth in Cebu.

Exploring the “man-made” forest in Bohol (We just actually took a lot of photos by the trees, posed like this, and did a Beatles on the road.)

Scuba-diving in the fish sanctuary in Danao

Funny thing was, Bem and I were intent on convincing our two friends to move to Manila, but, we were the ones who actually thought about working in Cebu while in the cab on the way to the airport, hahaha! I guess we both liked it that Cebu is somewhere between urban and rural, and there are still a lot of trees by the road. The only thing that stopped me from pursuing the thought of moving back there (I worked in Cebu for 6 months), is the plane ride home to Iloilo. Be it Manila or Cebu, I’ll still be taking the plane. Hahaha!

But we’ll be back definitely. This time, we hope to be able to see the ruined Bohol churches back up again. 🙂

We got a good Cebu-Bohol package for 3 nights and four days. Go contact Johnny Calulo of Johnny Bohol Tours.

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(Almost) Weekend Thoughts

10298601_10201490191455196_5236460960250737527_oThe world is a beautiful place to be born into, if you don’t mind happiness not being too much fun, if you do not mind a touch of hell now and then. Just when everything is fine. Because even in heaven, they don’t sing all the time. – Singh and Pengson

I found this nice string of words in the first page of a Philo book I bought from a warehouse sale a year ago.  I haven’t started on the book itself because I knew that when I saw this, I had to jot it down.

I must agree that happiness is not too much fun. Sometimes, happiness causes you to follow a friend out in the rain, two umbrellas in tow, to make sure she comes home dry. But when the two of you finally arrive back in the office, you realize that both of your shoes are so soaked they make a squishy sound when you walk. And you cannot go home to change yet. So yeah, you followed happiness, but it’s not much fun. 🙂 But the world is, and always will be, a beautiful place to be born into.

Photo by Jimma Totesora/Kirby Dela Cruz

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Summer Komikon 2014

Left: MM writing a short message from Jennie
Right: Some of the must-reads in the Summer Komikon event

(Non-verbatim) Conversation with the awesome Mervin Malonzo:
Me: Hi! Our friend likes your work very much, but she’s in Cebu so she asked if we can buy a copy of your book and get your autograph..
MM: (smiles) What’s her name?
Me: Jennie.
MM: El-LOH-ran? El-YOH-ran?
Me and Bemits: (Shocked that he recognized her) OHHHH! WOW. Hahahahahahaha!
MM: She’s an active fan. She comments on my posts and “Likes” my komiks posts. Hehe

Kinilig kami para sa ‘yo, Jen! Ikaw na ang SIKAT. I think you’ve converted me to becoming a fan. 😀

Bem and I bought the red book (photo, right), Abangan. Basically it is a compilation of 2014 komiks produced by some of the best in the country. I also liked how the title meant two things: A-ba-NGAN (to watch out for something), and A-BANG-an (tranport stop/terminal)


This 2014, I made a Book-et List. That is, a list of books I will read for the year. (;
My goal is fifty (or more), but I have not decided on all of them yet. I’m just adding more titles that interested me over the years.

So far, I’ve read 18 books. I will be posting a Book-et List milestone when I reach 25.

What I’m Reading Now: Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

Like any other Potterhead, I’ve reread the books many times since my elementary years. But you simply cannot shake Rowling off. Now I’m on the seventh book, and I’m looking forward to jumping on to the next titles on my list.



Now Accepting: E-books as Christmas gifts, please! :]

I read somewhere that one of the best habits to maintain is to read at least 30 minutes before you start your day. I’m not sure if the purpose of the article is to reinforce creativity or just reading, but if you ask me, it really helps, mentally and psychologically.

Anyway, I have these titles with me and if you want a copy or cannot find a copy online (or are too lazy to download, like me!), just comment here with the title and your e-mail address or bug me on Facebook so I could send it to you, yeheyy!

1. The Godfather by Mario Puzo
2. He’s Just Not That Into You
3. Percy Jackson and the Olympians
4. Every Day by David Levithan
5. The Lovers’ Dictionary by David Levithan
6. Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn
7. I’ve Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella
8. Looking for Alaska by John Green
9. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
10. The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfishes by Neil Gaiman
11. Snow, Glass, Apples by Neil Gaiman

E-pubs (for those who want to read on their mobiles/tabs, just download an e-book reader)
1. Sidney Sheldon‘s:
After the Darkness
Are You Afraid of the Dark?
Best Laid Plans
Mistress of the Game
Rage of Angels
Stars Shine Down
Tell Me Your Dreams

2. Neil Gaiman‘s:
Ocean at the End of the Lane
All-New Tales
Good Omens

3. 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami
4. Where Are You Now? by Mary Higgins Clark

Do you have great e-book recommendations? Would love to have a copy (.pdf or epub) especially if it’s for light reading, really unique, or historical. Lemme know! THANKS! 🙂

Now Reading: The Godfather by Mario Puzo

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Free Ebook_The GodFather by Mario Puzo_www.freeebookdownloadnow.blogspot.com
Photo: http://www.freeebookdownloadnow.blogspot.com

I’ve been really avoiding this book (and the movie) for the longest time, hahaha! Few minutes to the start of the movie and I immediately looked for other things to distract me – which is a really bad thing.

Thanks to Angeli (a colleague) and her constant “sales talk” of how powerful and well-written the book is, I finally sat down and started on it, and after a few paragraphs, I knew I’m going to like it. I’m halfway already and I sure hope I can finish the book before Santa comes.