
Nothing useful here, go away.


Jennie Ellorish Goes to Manila

My wonderful, indie movies and music-loving, Johnny Depp-fan girl friend Jennie came over for the weekend.

Bemjo, Kirby and I have all been looking forward to her arrival since September, following our foiled plans of going to a nearby province for a much-needed vacation. (Chos, kala mo mamatay-matay na sa trabaho!)

What I really love about Jennie (but won’t tell her because that would be too cheesy):

1. She does what she wants and doesn’t give a shit. Really, she hasn’t gifted any of us with a plastic poop yet.
2. She is like a little sister to me. Sometimes annoying, sometimes ballistic, and 100% crazy. Whatiswrongwithyouwoman?!
3. She’s game. Kahit saan, kahit kailan, push mo yan ‘te with Jennie Elloran! When she and I were in Cebu, I’d sometimes pretend not to like the things I really liked doing with her just to watch her expression go from excitement to disappointment. HAHAHAHAHAHA
4. We have the same interest in most movies, sarcasm and the things we consider “fun”. *High five, Jen!
5. She is appreciative of everything. Literally everything. From the bright moon, to the little things we give (or take away), to the rain and the simple pleasures that are worth her time (long walks and good books) and to the dense shrubberies, Jennie is grateful. That’s not a common attitude in humans and I’m glad Jen has it. 🙂

Back to her brief vacation, we took her to Intramuros and the Komikon event in Mandaluyong. We had dinner with friends at Bellini‘s in Cubao Expo where she accidentally bumped into one of the members of her bandcrush, Queso. Of course, my red-haired friend was all smiles in photos even when our eyelids are drooping from the intense lack of sleep. Hahaha!

Check out her photos (taken by Kirby, may future ka!):


If I have one friend who I wished live nearby (aside from the ones I already have here), it would be Jen. She is such a joy to be with and I’m really, really, really glad she went over.


Miss Understood :)

I met Wila a few days ago. She looked prettier than ever.

She is a sophomore law student from the University of San Agustin. I met her during our freshman year, when she and I were just stepping foot in UP. I cannot remember how we stuck together. But when four years saw me and her (along with a few others) through college, I knew she had become one of my best friends.

No dirty thoughts there, matey.

She likes Japanese anime and fastfood. She and I would order Kenny’s and aaaalways, she found it hard to finish her chicken.

I miss her girly sing-song voice. It is something really unique about her. A lot of people mistook it for Wila being a snob, but she never took them all badly. She is the type who does not care about what people think of her.

I often see her as a fragile person, a girl who needs to be taken care of. But she is strong. Millions of barbels away from me.

My other friends and I would often mimic the way she speaks and make it sound worse to annoy her. We would also mimic the way she moves, reacts and smiles. I realized it was one of the fun things we did a lot in college.

I remember my elementary days when I felt proud to have a pretty friend. My reasons for befriending pretty people were superficial before. Now, it got worse. KIDDING.

I miss Wila. I hope we can hang out again soon.

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Videoke sessions with people who used to be strangers.

I miss these people.

This videoke session happened over four months ago, and I am wondering if it will happen again. Some of them may not be the people whom I have known for more than a year, but it seemed that there is instant friendship between us. One that has a chance of lasting forever.

:)Hope we can have one of these again.

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Lost Post II: Soju Session Dos

For the benefit of the doubt, here’s a whatsis:

Soju is a Korean alcoholic drink mostly made from rice. That’s all. Kasi ayoko nang mag-research, makasuhan pa ako. Hahaha! But seriously, be careful when drinking Soju. The alcohol does not kick in the first few gulps. After a few minutes, ikaw na ang gapang-kick. Hahaha!

I got acquainted with this drink a month ago, during one of my random drinking session with some of my friends here in Cebu. There were six of us: Jimma, Jen, Yggy (Jimma’s friend from work), Jimma’s sister Jissa, Ruwil and I. But in our second Soju Session, only Jimma, Jen, Yggy and I were present.

Soju Session Dos happened in a Korean grocery store, Assi Mart, located in Mabolo. An hour and a few minutes later, one of us was pointing at everybody while saying, “Shut up!” and “You are so dead to me.” One of us was leaning helplessly on someone (not drunk) while asking for another bottle and someone else was busy laughing and laughing. Empty packs of Korean junk foods cluttered the table.

We were like bunch of fools, laughing and giggling and swaying like those animals stuck on a jeepney’s dashboard. Everything seemed to be swirling and noisier.

When I woke up the following day, I saw our palanggana near my bed. I remembered placing it near me…just in case. I went down and boiled water for me and Jen.

While holding our hot mugs, we tried to recall all the “not-so wonderful things” that happened the night before. We were such pain-in-the-asses. To the guard who kept on looking at us. To the other bystanders who pretended not to hear a thing. To Yggy who wasn’t drunk. To our other selves who would have smacked us right in the head.

In the end, we did not really solve Jimma’s problem. But we gave her the good side of what happened. Alcohol does not really help solve problems directly. But when you are drunk, there are just some words that come out–the kind which do not when we are drinking softdrinks or water. Rationalizaton? Perhaps. :]

The Soju Session Dos was especially bad for me. Someone got really mad. So, no more Soju for me. This month. Hahaha! Kidding.


Jennie’s latest addictions

Jennie always says that she’s my favorite blog subject. Here’s to diluting the whole idea.

Fibisco Choco Mallows

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Big Bang Theory and Sheldon

Maroon 5’s Adam Levine (who we got to know in The Voice)

Thank you, Google Images. :]

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How half of my eyebrow was scraped off when I was 8

I am not the sporty type. Call me KJ or loser but curl up and die of pressuring me to join you. I’m never the field person.

I used to, when I was a kid. Until the second grade.

We were playing tag, and since I they were already playing when I arrived, I became “it”. I chased my classmates, male and female, all over the campus. Not Marinel, she had longer legs than me. Raul and Bryan were too fast—on the ground and on dishing out teasing words. I did not chase Cybelle, she was one of my closest friends. They were nimbler than me, especially the boys, so I settled with the girls. I saw that one of my playmates (let’s call her Lean) was not as fast as the others so I zeroed in on her (I saw that some of the boys relaxed a bit and sat down by the steps).

Sensing my pursuit, she accelerated. She realized perhaps that there was no other way for me to be ‘turned off’ so she decided to slow me down. She began climbing over flower boxes and around the slides. It irritated me a bit because my long legs were used to the straight path, not the one with obstacles and flower boxes.

When I was gaining on her, she climbed over a flower box and leaped like a frog. Perhaps I was too amazed by her jump, or perhaps a cute guy went passed, I tripped and fell head on the hot cemented part behind the flower box. My vision blurred and I felt hundred different aches all over my body.

It takes a lot of discipline to trim and maintain one’s brows. Something which, someone like me who has thin brows, could still not achieve. Tamaran bi. 🙂

Then I was already crying; one hand brushing away the tears in my eyes. Sir Panes was holding on to my other hand, pulling me to the direction of the clinic—one of the places in school I hate the most. Behind me, my playmates were whispering to each other. Lean was among them, crying. Maybe she felt pity. For whom, I do not know.

I lost half of my left eyebrow. Until now, when I look at it, I remember the only incident I was cheered for being one of the best runners in second grade.

I am not shy about it though, having half of an eyebrow left. I cannot even remember having to perpetually stick bangs to one side of my head because of it. It’s like I never lost anything.

Maybe it was the reason why I didn’t join the more challenging type of sports anymore. Yes, I still envision myself being a player , not amongst the cheerer. But I guess I valued my eyebrow more.

Now I’m not the “plucker” type. But there’s another story to that. Maybe next time. :))

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somebody to stalk

I have a new crush! [cue ear-splitting shriek]

And he’s younger than me (one? two years?)
And I haven’t met him before.
And we’re friends on Facebook.
And he looks a bit like Johnny Depp. :3
And when I showed some of his photos to my friend, Jennie, she immediately declared having a crush on him too. Waaah.

To my new crush:

Be very afraid, bwahaha! Just kidding. Just want to let you know that I will be stalking you. :))


Sleeping Sushis

Because I was stalking my good friend Bemjo.
Because I was kind of bored.
Because I was waiting for Jennie to finish attaching the photos to be e-mailed.
Because I love sushi when I’m in the mood.
Because sushi is Japanese culture.
Because sushi is bland but tasty.
Because I am hungry.[They looked too cute to be eaten. TnT]



A Reflection on Flowers

My very good friend Jennie wrote this sometime in early February. I don’t know if it has something to do with Valentine approaching, LOL. [I’m dead if she reads this.]

But she’s a very good writer, especially when it comes to poetry. That’s why I decided to share this. It kind of struck me in a weird way. Hehe. Between me and her, she’s the more emotional one. The dreamer. Proud of you Jen! Keep writing!

Daisy, my favorite. I think the white ones mean eternal love. Jennie likes forget-me-nots.
As usual, thankyou, Google 🙂

What’s with a flower? I mean yea, it’s beautiful in every way but, why is it always a symbol for courtship, professions of love, or beauty? Men give women fresh flowers today and then what? Two, five, seven days later they become weathered weeds. Just give a stone, for all I care.

I mean, a flower is not enough to represent such a solid, deep, forever thing as love. It withers, it dies. Yes, it promises beauty and love but, I believe, for only a short time.

However, on the contrary, I think it can very well serve a purpose. It’s a man’s way of saying, “Hey! I like you ‘coz you’re pretty and cool but I’m not sure if I can feel the same way tomorrow.” Hell, few of the guys don’t even believe in what they call love these days.

Right. A flower can be a symbol of women, love and beauty. It can symbolize their majesty, royalty, charm, their frailty, ignorance… the hours, minutes, seconds of their importance.

How stupid a flower can be if she thinks she can last forever, that she can go through the test of greed, pride, time and still comes out not ravished, sparkling, unconquered.

And these men? Are the sizes of their brains the same? Come on, there are hundreds even thousands of things to represent what they feel for the person they love. A flower is a cliche. Don’t they have any initiative to profess their love in any unique way? Without doubt they can be a little bit creative and find something worthy for the lady’s eye – not something so finite it perishes moments after.

Unless, they think that a woman do not deserve more, or a flower is all that she deserves. Which is, for me, very shallow, insensitive and unreal. Of course, a flower brightens a woman’s mood because it’s her initial reaction, her appreciation for beauty and act of love. But didn’t it occur to you that if you give a woman something weird or alien she won’t just accept it and say she’s happy? That she might stop and think why on earth would anybody give her something like that?

Then and there, she may realize that however funny or weird that thing may be, its characteristics signify a deeper, more sensible and sensitive meaning of who you are and what you feel for her. That way, she may treasure not only your gift but your love as well.

So to hell with flowers. They are just vain creatures hungry for attention and affection. Which serves them right, because they can’t live very long and the spotlight is their only compensation.