
Nothing useful here, go away.

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The Lonely Things

I am not sure if this post projects me in any way at the moment. Hehehe! But, whatever the reason is, I just knew I wanted to write down a few things or objects that I think are the loneliest on Earth.

1. Money. Much has been said about their purpose and how they keep life’s wheel turning. But are they really where they belong? If I’m going to push this thought a little farther, I’d say that money really belongs to the bank. See the new ones that glisten? Who ever said that the most useful things are the loneliest probably knew a lot of things.

Not to mention all our heroes who have been twisted, turned, wet, thrown, sh** on, licked, exchanged, mixed with melted ice cream and many more.

2. Slippers. When we leave home, we leave them useless. And because that’s their sole purpose, I can only imagine how sad they feel every time we leave the house. Of all the kinds of slippers, perhaps bedroom and bathroom slippers are the loneliest, having to stay in closed areas all the time.

3. Tokens (which are left for days inside the game machines). We drool over the idea of having them so we could exchange them for goodies. We silently curse those who got the jackpot. We want to shake the whole gaming machine every time we’re frustrated. But the truth remains that tokens are one of the loneliest things.

Not to mention they all look the same. What a loooong day just to get them moving. How frustrating is that for them?

4. Seldom-used emoticons. Come on, when Jejemon went up the fad ladder, not everyone joined in. When it faded away, so did the fad of using emoticons. For some people.

5. Bottle caps. Stepped around if not picked by young kids, most bottle caps could have seen better days.

6. Bible. ’nuff said.

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The Home That Is Iloilo <3

When I am at home, I feel different. The positive different.

Unlike when I am in Cebu or Manila where work calls me to be up and awake all the time, Iloilo is like a pillow-blanket-mosquito net combination. The place enables me to laze around all day and be happy in a world full of anything but rules and needs.

When I am at home, I have time to think. About me, my life and the people who surround me. I can think about them and space out for hours. Only my mother’s calls of the three most wonderful time of the day can break the spell.

Iloilo makes me lazy. While Cebu and Manila demands of me to clean my room or wash my clothes, Iloilo encases my being and makes me a bum. My mother would bark the list of chores that needed to be done, and I would pause for a moment and think that these is one of the best music undiscovered by men.

This is the only place where I feel most comfortable even when I have not taken a bath for days. All I seem to do all day is open the refrigerator and plug in something in the socket.

When I am in Iloilo, I can be very productive in the ideal sense. I have time for stimulating thoughts—not the ones filled with memos, attendance and office rules.

I lavish at the thought of leaving this place to go back to the workroom. Because it is only during that moment that I look forward to the day I can go home to Iloilo once more.

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Into the bin

Kuya Junie, our trusted all-round guy (in fact, our only guy co-employee aside from Sir Anol), tidied up early one morning before we arrived.

When I sat down, I realized that the space under my table was ‘wider’. I looked down and saw that the old phones turned over to us and my big box trash bin were missing.

I love trash bins. I cannot stand a day without throwing something away. It has become a therapeutic habit which I find very relieving. I am not sure but I think psychologists have added this to the activities and activities which can help relieve stress.

Now, Kuya Junie has replaced my trash bin with a more sophisticated one, the one like what my boss and other co-workers have. I don’t know, but I liked the box. It’s bigger, has a wider mouth(and can serve as the rats’ playground during the night, hehehe).